Sunday, September 5, 2010

Scheffler Park

We have occasionally commented on whether the parks we visit are family-friendly. And we've provided reviews here and there of the playground equipment we've encountered. But never before have we had an expert in our midst. Today we were lucky enough to have nearly three-year-old Max and his parents, Eric and Anica, join us for a picnic lunch at Scheffler Park. And the weather was perfect.

Max immediately took off, with barely a hello for us, over the bridge and the creek and straight toward the playground. He ignored the baseball field, the basketball court, and the volleyball net nearest the parking lot and headed for the play structure. The adults set up shop on the adjacent benches.

Max attacked the digger, the teeter-totter, and the climbing structure -- and he made his way around the circuit multiple times. Max said only his dad could join him on the teeter-totter because his mom wasn't big enough. As with most three-year-olds, he did lunch on the run -- and we caught up with his parents. He became comfortable enough on the play structure that at one point he jumped off from the top steps. When he hit the ground and realized he was okay he turned around to tell the little girl behind him, "I am Big" -- and that she shouldn't try it. A little more catch, some time on the swings, and a few more attempts with the digger and he was ready for his nap. Besides, he had a birthday party to attend later in the day. The walk back across the bridge brought discovery of the drinking fountain.
Though Max was reluctant to share with us his impressions of the park, it was obvious from his actions that he found a variety of things to do, and that he enjoyed his time there very much. And we loved hanging out with him and his parents. And we hope to do so much more often in the future.

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